Convert Shell Scripts to Binary

Convert shell scripts to binaries Modified: 2023-07-04 20:24:23 Created: 2023-03-26 01:07:50 Tags: #shell #linux

Converting a shell script to a binary executable can help hide the sensitive messages and make it more difficult for someone to view or modify the script. Here are the general steps to convert a shell script to a binary executable:

Install shc

shc is a Unix utility that compiles shell scripts into binary executables. You can install shc using the package manager for your Unix distribution or download it from the shc website. For example:

sudo dnf install shc

Compile the shell script

To compile the shell script into a binary executable, you can use the shc command followed by the name of the shell script:

shc -f

This will create a binary executable file called You can then run this file as you would any other binary executable.

Remove the original script

Once you have created the binary executable, you can remove the original shell script to prevent anyone from viewing or modifying it:


Note that while converting a shell script to a binary executable can help hide sensitive messages, it does not provide full security. The binary executable can still be reverse engineered or decompiled to extract the original script. It is recommended to use additional security measures such as encryption or access control to protect sensitive data.