Use MinIO

Use MinIO Modified: 2023-06-15 01:41:32 Created: 2023-03-01 14:23:31 Tags: #MinIO #linux #s3

Use MinIO object storage for Obsidian sync.

1 Install MinIO server

Use docker to install MinIO server, run the following script:

docker run -p 8090:8090 -p 8091:8091 \
-name minio \
d --restart=always \
e "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin" \
e "MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin" \
v /home/chinglin/fastdata/.minio/data:/data \
v /home/chinglin/fastdata/.minio/config:/root/.minio \
minio/minio server \
/data --console-address ":8090" -address ":8091"
  • MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY: by default is minioadmin and minioadmin, it is not a must to reconfig it.
  • console address 8090 to configure the whole service
  • address 8091 to access the files, minio client will use these ports.

Besides, the firewall port should be opened if you want to get access outside such as http://server_ip:8090.

2 MinIO client

2.1 Installation

Follow the instructions here.

mac client

brew install minio/stable/mc

linux client

dnf install
mcli alias set myminio/ http://MINIO-SERVER MYUSER MYPASSWORD

2.2 configuration

Go localhost:8090, to create a bucket named bucket_name. Get the access_key and access_secret_key.

Set alias:

mc alias set alias_name oss_url access_key access_secret_key

2.3 basic operation

list the bucket info

mc ls alias_name/bucket_name

download the files

mc cp alias_name/bucket_name/file_name local_path

upload the file

mc cp local_path alias_name/bucket_name/

remove the file

mc rm alias_name/bucket_name/file_name

3 Configure for Obsidian

Install third-party plug-in remotely-save for obsidian.

Choose s3 as remote save tool.

set the bucket name as localhost:8091/bucket_name region set as default value


Install MinIO server, get access with MinIO client, configure for Obsidian.